Programa de prevención de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en los grados 10 y 11 del colegio Santa Isabel de Hungría de Bucaramanga Santander
Director. Predrozo Aviles, Víctor Julio
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El presente programa tiene como finalidad fortalecer factores protectores individuales y grupales en los jóvenes estudiantes de los grados Decimos y Undécimos del Colegio Santa Isabel de Hungría de Floridablanca, con el objetivo de prevenir el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas. Con este fin, se diseñaron actividades pedagógicas, reflexivas que permitieran socializar información detallada sobre las temáticas referidas a las Sustancias psicoactivas, su impacto negativo a nivel biológico, psicológico y social. Se aplicó un pretest para determinar los conocimientos que poseían los educandos sobre el consumo de SPA. El estudio mostro que los jóvenes estudiantes tienen poco conocimiento sobre las drogas y sus efectos. Posteriormente, se implementaron actividades reflexivas que permitieran a los estudiantes desarrollar pensamiento crítico sobre los efectos nocivos de las drogas psicoactivas. Paralelamente se hizo acompañamiento psicológico a estudiantes remitidos que presentaban adicción a Sustancias Psicoactivas. Finalmente se aplicó una encuesta postest para determinar el impacto del programa en cuando a la adquisición de nuevos aprendizajes y disminución del consumo. The purpose of this program is to build and strengthen individual and group protective factors in young students of the tenth and eleventh grade of Colegio Santa Isabel de Hungrfa of Florida with the aim of preventing the consumption of psychoactive substances, in order to achieve this, there were made reflexive, pedagogical and sensitization activities which allowed to impart detailed information on the topics that address psychoactive substances in terms of their negative consequences at the biological, psychological and social level. In the first instance, a pre-test survey was used to analyze the knowledge that the students had with the subject, thus, a population with little knowledge of the classification and definitions and how they acted in a different way in the organism, was found, that is why detailed information of the implications that these have in our organism in their different classifications was provided and the specific consequences. Subsequently, reflexive activities were implemented that would help the student to strengthen his self-critical thinking about the harmful effects of psychoactive substances. At the same time psychological support was provided to students whom reported addiction to the use of psychoactive substances. Finally, a poll was applied to assess whether there was leaming resulting from the process.
Palabra/s clave
Escuelas - Santa Isabel de Hungría
Condiciones de vida
Programas de prevención
Consumo de sustancias
- Trabajos de grado [6394]
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