Innovaciones de ruptura para la transformación del estallido social en santiago de cali, valle del cauca
Sánchez Rincón, Fidel Eduardo
Proyecto de Grado
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La presente investigación buscó aplicar los aportes teóricos de las innovaciones sociales
de ruptura, la transformación y agenciamiento colectivo de los problemas estructurales de
ciudad visibilizados en el estallido social de Cali, para el desarrollo de estrategias
encaminadas al mejoramiento de las condiciones sociales de sus habitantes, y en la
aplicación de diferentes desarrollos teóricos y metodológicos para la comprensión de
los estallidos sociales, con elfin de analizar el caso de Cali, tomando como referencia las
experiencias de: análisis de causas de agenciamiento colectivo de realidades sociales y de
prospectiva para la imaginación y la materialización. En cuanto al método, se
fundamentó en el modelo causal de la Teoría de los “Marcos de Ruptura”, así mismo, se
realizaron ejercicios de prospectiva con enfoque rupturista entre agentes de cambio,
mediante la metametodología de análisis prospectivo que articula los enfoques de
ciencia ficción y diseño especulativo para la construcción de visiones “transtópicas”.
Así, se logró identificar elementos de futuro e innovaciones de ruptura que han emergido
desde la sociedad civil, la ciudadanía y los movimientos sociales, como elementos claves
en la transformación del estallido social. Finalmente, se tienen como resultados: una línea
de tiempo de conflictividades sociales, un análisis de causas socio-económicas, etno culturales, político-institucionales y socio-ambientales del estallido social en Cali; un
ejercicio de imaginación y materialización de la transformación del rupturismo social y
un inventario inicial de iniciativas de ruptura emergentes en la ciudad. Además, de la
contribución a la solución de retos y desafíos de desigualdad en el Distrito de Cali y a la
construcción de una visión compartida en la región. This research aimed to apply the theoretical contributions of the breakthrough
innovations, the transformation and the collective agency of the structural problems of
the city brought to light during the social outburst of Cali, for the development of
strategies directed at improving the social conditions of its inhabitants, and in the
application of different theoretical and methodological developments for the
understanding of social outbursts, in order to analyze the case of Cali, taking as
reference the experiences of: analysis of causes of collective agency of social realities
and of prospective for imagination and materialization. As for the method, it was based
on the causal model of the theory of the "Rupture Frameworks", likewise, prospective
exercises were performed with a rupture approach between agents of change, through
the metamethodology of prospective analysis that articulates the approaches of science
fiction and speculative design for the construction of "trans-topic" visions. Thus, it was
possible to identify elements of future and breakthrough innovations that have emerged
from civil society, citizens and social movements, as key elements in the transformation
of the social outburst. Finally, the results are: a timeline of social conflicts, an analysis of
socio-economic, ethnocultural, political-institutional and socio-environmental causes of
the social outburst in Cali; an exercise of imagination and materialization of the
transformation of social outburst and an initial inventory of emerging breakthrough
initiatives in the city. In addition, it contributes to solving challenges of inequality in the
Cali District and to building a shared vision in the region. This research aimed to apply the theoretical contributions of the breakthrough
innovations, the transformation and the collective agency of the structural problems of
the city brought to light during the social outburst of Cali, for the development of
strategies directed at improving the social conditions of its inhabitants, and in the
application of different theoretical and methodological developments for the
understanding of social outbursts, in order to analyze the case of Cali, taking as
reference the experiences of: analysis of causes of collective agency of social realities
and of prospective for imagination and materialization. As for the method, it was based
on the causal model of the theory of the "Rupture Frameworks", likewise, prospective
exercises were performed with a rupture approach between agents of change, through
the metamethodology of prospective analysis that articulates the approaches of science
fiction and speculative design for the construction of "trans-topic" visions. Thus, it was
possible to identify elements of future and breakthrough innovations that have emerged
from civil society, citizens and social movements, as key elements in the transformation
of the social outburst. Finally, the results are: a timeline of social conflicts, an analysis of
socio-economic, ethnocultural, political-institutional and socio-environmental causes of
the social outburst in Cali; an exercise of imagination and materialization of the
transformation of social outburst and an initial inventory of emerging breakthrough
initiatives in the city. In addition, it contributes to solving challenges of inequality in the
Cali District and to building a shared vision in the region.
Maestría en Innovación Social y Territorio
Rupturismo Social
Marcos de Ruptura
Prospectiva de Ruptura
Innovaciones de ruptura
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