Housing design with sustainable criteria for the town of La Danta, Colombia
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This text is an academic research project that develops integral
economic housing proposals with social impact, where interdisciplinarity
is articulated to propose a building model with sustainable principles. It is
based on the use of local materials, the correspondence between spatial
needs, and the life conditions of people residing in La Danta, as well as
autonomy in energy production.
The Sustainable Habitat Integrative Workshop is an exercise with
a bet to empower social transformation through research by using its
methodology as the axis for this work. The workshop is executed in one
year, and thus structured in two phases. The first provides a solution to
a design problem identified by students, based on fieldwork. Then, the
second includes an analysis and the project synthesis process, considering
not only sociocultural, political, and economic criteria, but also as a
response to the population inhabiting the area.
Palabra/s clave
Housing design
Basic needs
Integrated planning
Education for sustainable development
- Capítulos de libro [729]
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