Towards the formation of ecological minds: marine imaginaries in texts for children
Casals Hill, Andrea
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In this essay, I will first discuss ecocritical inquiry and the broader
framework of environmental humanities. Later, I will describe a
constellation of five cultural productions aimed at rising environmental
awareness, scientific exploration, and activism, which have circulated in
the Chilean context recently, four of them related to children’s cultures.
This amalgam of cultural productions exceeds the category of the
literary, as well as definitions of genres within children’s literature, and
at the same time, reaches out to the interdisciplinary, together with
international collaboration. The degree to which these boundaries are
blurred seems to contribute to the extent to which the creations succeed
in raising ecological awareness. The assemblage encompasses three
children’s books, one chronicle and a scientific exhibit, all of them related
to marine life and cultures.
Palabra/s clave
Desarrollo sostenible
Medio ambiente
- Capítulos de libro [729]
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