Tecnologías de la violencia urbana: la insuficiencia de las críticas a la violencia de Walter Benjamin, Peter Sloterdijk y Slavoj Žižek
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Urban violence is normally analyzed from socio-symbolic positions in which the political significance of the city (polis) prevails over its character as a constructed material artifact. From this ethical-legal horizon of interpretation, the difference established by Walter Benjamin between violence that is founding, conservative or destructive of law has been left at a dead end –unable to conceptualize a purely extra-legal violence understood as something other than the expression of subjective and personal anger conceived as an explosive manifestation of meaningless energy that would serve no purpose nor be a means to any end.
978-958-764-868-3 (versión digital)
Palabra/s clave
Espacio público – Violencia
Violencia urbana
- Capítulos de libro [729]
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