Understanding the glocalization strategies implemented by mcdonald’s in south korea and Colombia in the past five years
Escobar Uribe, Andrés
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This research focused on identifying and comparing the glocalization strategies implemented by McDonalds in Colombia and South Korea. The research was carried out through qualitative methodology, and was conducted with phenomenological study, in order to comprehend the differences that theory and real-life practices can have, as well, IMRaD Methodology was used as a mean of summarising and presenting only the outmost important information on the topic. The results indicate that while in some countries glocalization is studied and understood by companies, which is the case of South Korea, others such as Colombia lack knowledge and interest on the topic. Furthermore, McDonalds’ practices can be identified as glocalization strategies, even if the company does not define it as such.
Palabra/s clave
Market research
Market penetration
- Trabajos de grado [6436]
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