Method approximate particular solutions for the solution of electrochinetic fluids in micro and nanochannels
Floréz Escobar, Whady Felipe
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This work develops a global version of the Method of Approximate Particular Solutions (MAPS) as [17] or in the works of Bustamante [12], who have been researching and sapplying this method in di erent investigations and problems. This is due to its haracteristics such as RBF Collocation system, its mesh-free environment, great e ciency and precision in its approaches, easy to implement and its easy adaptation to di erent types of boundary conditions making it a powerful and robust numerical method for solution of partial di erential equations. Two MAPS formulations are studied here, in the rst one particular solutions of non- homogeneous linear Poisson equations for scalar problems are used and in the second one particular solutions of a non-homogeneous Stokes system for multivariate problems.
Palabra/s clave
Fluidos electrocinéticos
Ecuaciones diferenciales parciales
Funciones de base radial (RBF)
Análisis numérico
Mecánica de fluidos
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