Evaluating the implementation of content classes delivered in english in light of clil-based curriculum

Jaramillo Restrepo, Marcela
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At present, the constant pressure that the local government exerts on the implementation of bilingual education in both public and private schools has affected second language teaching in Colombia. As a result, some private schools have started to modify their curriculum by delivering some content subjects in English. This thesis examines the implementation of Content-Based Instruction (CBI) in a private school in Medellin-Colombia from three different perspectives: the teachers’ profile, the methodology used in the classes and the sources of knowledge. It first deals with the concepts of bilingualism, bilingual education, Content-Based Instruction (CBI), and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). It then considers the actual implementation of the teaching pracice and evaluates it in light of what CLIL proposes. The instruments used to collect the data were surveys, class observations and interviews.
Palabra/s clave
Bilingüismo; Inglés -- Enseñanza -- Colombia
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